12 Point Brand Analysis

Brands, like people, have unique characteristics. At least…
they should! The job of a brand builder is to create a brand that
is desirable, likeable, believable, and affordable to the target audience

Compare your brand to the analytics below:

1. Desirable

does your brand make promises that the market values?

2. Trustworthy

does your product consistently deliver on the promise?

3. Clear Position

is your position clearly understood by the market?

4. Cultural appeal

does your brand appeal to a broad spectrum of cultures?

5. Loyalty

does your brand inspire brand fanaticism?

6. Preference

is your brand seen as better than the

7. Awareness

what % of the market is already aware
of your brand?

8. Congruent

are the touch points congruent with the positioning?

9. Market

does the target market have the potential to sustain?

10. Believable

is the brand promise believable?
Too inexpensive?

11. Market Saturation

are there too many competitors?

12. Affordable

can your target market pay?